Lean Manufacturing and Lean Six Sigma Videos

Below are several Lean and Six Sigma related videos we have created including webinars and some of our eLearning videos. Please also follow us on Twitter for updates, connect to our Sr. Partner on LinkedIn, and/or subscribe to our channel on Youtube for videos using the buttons below.

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Online Lean Training Video Excerpts

We offer online Lean Manufacturing, Lean Healthcare, and Lean Six Sigma training and certificate programs.  The following three representative videos are taken from our training; we are including an instructional video on the 7 wastes, an excerpt from a case exercise that is included in some of our courses, and a scenario video, which illustrates a concept taught in a course through storytelling. If you have an interest in our online training, please visit our Online Training site or register for a free 14 day trial.


7 Wastes and 3M's

Kaizen Events Case Excerpt

A Day in the Life of a Lean Leader

Webinar: Implementing Lean Six Sigma: Key Principles, Methods, and Our Approach with Clients

Below is an approximately 15 minute webinar excerpt we recently presented entitled "Implementing Lean: Key Principles, Methods, and Our Approach with Clients"  In it, we cover the definition of Lean Manufacturing, The TPS (Toyota Production System) house, Lean Culture (Continuous Improvement and Respect for People), our Transformation Model, and our approach with clients.

Implementing Lean Six Sigma Webinar from EMS Consulting Group, Inc. on Vimeo.

Other Webinars Available for Viewing

A3 Problem Solving  - September, 2020

Critical to Quality Tree - November 17, 2020

Fishbone and 5 Why's - February 11, 2021


OpEx (Operational Excellence) Minute Series of Videos

Using cartoon animation, this series of videos covers the basic principles, concepts, and tools of Lean and Six Sigma.  Below is one of our videos on the topic of Value Stream Mapping.  Visit and/or subscribe to our YouTube channel for more lean videos:

View our Youtube channel for over 100 lean videos